Residential Services

Holcomb maintains several types of residential service options based on the level of support and type of environment needed by an individual.

Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR)

CRR is a residential program for adults age 18 and older with mental illness and offers 24 hr/day staffing and support. Valuable Activity of Daily Living Skills are taught by staff and participants learn in a communal, supportive environment. Case management services are also offered to aid in the person’s reintegration to the larger community. The respective county oversees the admission process to this program. The length of stay can be up to three years.

Personal Care Home (PCH)

PCH is a residential program for adults age 18 and older and is a higher level of care than most CRRs. The participants in these programs usually have more chronic illnesses and an overlay of medical concerns in addition to their mental health diagnosis. The level of staffing is higher than other residential programs to assist consumers with complex needs. Consumers may have extended lengths of stay.

Group Home 

Group Home is a residential program for adults age 18 and older who may be diagnosed with a mental illness, intellectual developmental disability or co-occurring disorder.  The homes are smaller, family-style residences that offer the same level of support as the CRR program, but in a home-like atmosphere. Program participants are referred by the respective county, and may be permitted and encouraged to stay in this program as long as they need and desire.


Respite services provide temporary, transitional living arrangements for individuals who are age 18 and older who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disability, are registered in the public mental health system and are temporarily homeless. Participants are assessed as able to benefit from the service and have the ability to function within the structure and support of the program and comply with the program rules.