Workplace Disability Inclusion Pledge

Support Workplace Inclusion for People on the Autism Spectrum

One person’s difference can also be their greatest strength. That’s true in the workplace and especially true for neurodivergent people, in particular individuals on the autism spectrum.

Some estimates put the global unemployment rate for people with autism as high as 80%. With 50,000 people with autism entering adulthood every year in the U.S. alone,It also means that countess people with autism and other intellectual disabilities are denied the opportunity to become productive members of the workforce. that indicates a massive pool of untapped talent.

It also means that countless people with autism and other intellectual disabilities are denied the opportunity to become productive members of the workforce.

Here’s the good news: more and more major companies are recruiting, hiring, and providing ongoing support to individuals with autism. Employers report the benefits flow both ways: working in a meaningful job transforms the person with autism, while that person, in turn, transforms the company and its culture.

Chimes recently launched a Pledge for Workplace Inclusion — and we can’t think of a more appropriate way to celebrate Autism Awareness Month. If you believe as we do that all companies should include disability as part of their efforts to create an inclusive workplace, sign the pledge today!

Take the Pledge

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