Dunk Tanks, Dance-offs and More

How Chimes School Winds Down the Year

Here at The Chimes School, we believe every student deserves the same rites of passage their peers at public and independent schools get — and we even take it up a notch, offering innovative end-of-school traditions that are uniquely Chimes.

Carnival is one such tradition. For more than 30 years, Chimes staff have transformed the fields and parking lot outside the school into a carnival grounds — with food, crafts, a DJ and numerous fun activities, like a moon bounce and dunk tank, for students, staff and families. This year, we even had a special guest appearance from Baltimore Ravens mascot, Poe!

“This year’s standout Carnival moment was seeing the number of families who came out to join,” says Chimes School teacher Mr. Steve. “I was so impressed with the way the students supported each other.” Ms. Brittney, another one of our teachers, loved Kevin, Denaisha and Corena’s joint performance of a Jennifer Hudson song “while dancing!”

Prom, of course, is a time-worn custom shared by millions of students each year. Here at The Chimes School, staff provide logistical support but leave all the details — theme, food, decorations—to the students.

The party takes place in the school gym. Students enter via a red carpet and pose in front of a photo wall before enjoying appetizers and a seated dinner service. Then, while a DJ spins their requested tunes, they dance the night away!

Graduation rounds out the end-of-year festivities, and is always emotional for parents — many of whom wondered if they’d ever get to celebrate this milestone with their child — students, and staff alike.

During the ceremony, the Class of 2023 introduced the Class of 2024, and reminded them of their responsibilities as rising seniors and the next to graduate. Each graduate then presented their families with a flower as a symbol of their appreciation for all the support that brought them to this moment. Student speaker Dylan Barnes also expressed gratitude to the teachers, staff and families who supported them throughout their years at The Chimes School.

In the next story, we’ll introduce you to a few of these special graduates — and I guarantee you’ll finish reading with an even deeper appreciation of what this day meant to everyone present!

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