
Meet our 2019 Chimes Gala Honoree David Garbarino

Meet David Garbarino—our 2019 Chimes Gala Honoree.  David is the Market President for BB&T’s Northern Maryland Markets.  He is a member of the Maryland Region’s Senior Leadership Team.  Dave has been with BB&T since 1999 and serves as the senior banker responsible for coordination and promotion of the Bank’s image within the community.

David and his wife Kristie were recently invited to our offices in Chimes Delaware to see more of Chimes in action.

To learn more about David and his involvement with Chimes, read this Q & A:

1.Tell us a little more about your role at BB&T

I am our Market President for BB&T’s Northern Maryland Markets and a member of Maryland’s Senior Leadership Team.  I’ve been with BB&T since 1999 and serve as the senior banker responsible for coordination of all the business lines and promotion of the Bank’s image within the community.  Day-to-day I am responsible for the management and optimization of all the commercial banking functions.  This includes, but is not limited to, the administration of our business loan portfolio, commercial deposits, the development of additional business clients, the delivery of loan and non-loan services to the commercial market, and the integration of the retail and commercial lines of business.

2.How did you begin your relationship with Chimes?

BB&T’s acquisition of Susquehanna Bank in 2015 was the first time I had ever met with or become familiar with Chimes.  I quickly realized what important work Chimes was doing in the communities it serves.  As Chimes was getting ready to undergo some management changes, we at BB&T stood ready to help the new management team in any way we could.  We bought in quickly to Chimes Mission/Values and wanted to help in any way possible.

3.What does it mean to you to be our 2019 Gala Honoree?

We were thrilled to learn BB&T had been selected as the honoree for this year’s gala.  It is an event all of us at BB&T love to attend.  We love seeing the smiling faces of the folks Chimes serve, and the entertainment is always terrific.  At BB&T we know that our long-term success is so closely tied to our communities being successful.  Our purpose for what we do is very simply ”to make the world a better place to live.”  It’s great when folks say nice things about BB&T, but the true reward is helping our community…it’s our purpose.

4.You recently visited Chimes Delaware. Can you describe the experience?

Looking through a website or hearing management speak is always informative, but there is nothing like seeing for oneself.  The staff in Delaware really do care for those they serve.  Going out to see Sean and Brian on the job at Wawa was heartwarming.  Those two guys had such a sense of pride in what they do.  It was clear that they never would have been successful, to the degree they are, without the caring and assistance of the team at Chimes.

5.What was the experience like for your wife Kristie?

Kristie works for a very small business and does get involved in volunteerism.  However, I think it was eye opening for her to witness the scope of what both Chimes can achieve and what BB&T can improve with our relative scale.  She also came away with a big smile feeling good about the caring and professionalism of the Chimes staff.  With all the negativity in the world today it was so nice to see folks with challenges overcome obstacles to lead happier lives.  The world is definitely a better place because of Chimes.