Chimes Maryland

Who we are

Chimes Maryland is the largest not-for-profit provider of community services for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and other co-occurring disabilities.

As a member of Chimes Family of Services, our desire is to ensure that all people with intellectual and behavioral challenges can achieve their fullest potential.

With services and supports provided throughout the Baltimore metropolitan region, we tailor services to the unique and changing needs and preferences of each person. Our array of services emphasize choice and diversity of opportunities that span every stage of life, enabling our participants to fulfill their dreams and maximize their independence.

All of our services, supports, and facilities are licensed by the State of Maryland. Most program participants are funded by the applicable state agency after eligibility is determined. We also accept private pay on a case-by-case basis.


Administrative Offices
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus

4814 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
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Human Resource Management
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus

4814 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215

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Residential & Support Services
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus

4814 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215

toll free: 1.800.CHIMES.1
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The Chimes School
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus

4810 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
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Employment & Day Habilitation Services
The Terry Allen Perl Center

3630 Milford Mill Road
Baltimore, MD 21244
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Intervals Seton - Employment & Day Habilitation Services
The Cecil S. Fox Center The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus

4814 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
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Employment & Day Habilitation Services

4969 Mercantile Road Nottingham Road


Educational Opportunities

The Chimes School was founded in 1947 by a group of parents who wanted a special program for their children. It was the first of its kind in the State of Maryland and was located in borrowed classrooms at the Church of the Redeemer. Initial enrollment was 5 students.

Today our school boasts a modern, fully accessible building with multiple amenities and an outside recreation area in northwest Baltimore City. Enrolled students, who have autism, intellectual disabilities, and multiple disabilities are referred by local jurisdictions throughout the state who.

We offer an 11-month non-graded educational program to students ages 5 – 21 and a special education program for students in elementary school, grades K – 3. We also offer a specialty program for students with severe autism and communication deficits. Our educational programs infuse functionality into everyday academics and the development of work-related skills and social skills. Using a multi-sensory approach to learning, our educational programs challenge our students to develop independence in various settings beyond the school including at home, on the job, or in the community. Our individual educational plans are tailored to the needs of each student and are guided by a professional treatment team.

Students also have access to an array of vocational opportunities within various work environments to ensure a seamless transition from school to adult programs.

Community Living Options

Chimes Maryland offers an array of supported living options and staffing alternatives to enable individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live in homes and communities of their choice.

Traditional residential options include agency operated single-family homes and apartments for people who choose to live with roommates and may require 24-hour support. Many homes are fully accessible with specialized adaptive equipment. Homes are located throughout Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and in Montgomery County.

Staff are there to support people in the home of their choosing. Staff assist with socialization, effective communication, meal preparation, doctor appointments, transportation, activities of daily living, medication administration, self-direction and advocacy, self-care, problem solving, and safety skills.

Community Services (Personal Supports)

Personal Supports assists people who live in their own or family home with acquiring and building skills necessary to maximize personal independence. This includes in-home skills development, community integration and engagement skills. Chimes endeavors to tailor services to each person’s needs and expectations. Chimes matches the person with their staff and strives to help people meet their goals and objectives.

Day and Employment Options

Chimes Maryland offers a variety of employment and day supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area. Our supports and services are both facility and community-based with individuals having the opportunity to move within the programs as their needs and preferences change.

The employment services program assesses each person’s strengths, interests, and abilities, helping people find that perfect job match in competitive integrated employment. Employment specialists ensure that people are successful in maintaining employment and also assist in learning all the skills required to succeed. With staff support, program participants have access to training, job development and placement. Job coaches provide intensive to fading job coaching supports, ensuring both employer and employee job satisfaction.

Day support programs offer community and facility-based services. With staff support, program participants have the opportunity to engage in activities that are outcome oriented and designed to meet the person’s needs and desires, while helping to reinforce and enhance mobility, communication, self-care, socialization, and self-advocacy skills.


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Ethics Point

Ethics Reporting Hotline

EthicsPoint is a secure 24/7 reporting system where active employees may report potential violations of the Chimes Code of Ethics and Conduct. It further serves as a management tool to support the Agency’s overall compliance program. Reports are taken seriously and investigated discretely, consistent with applicable laws and regulations.

Please click to be connected to the EthicsPoint Reporting System.

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