Who we are
Chimes Delaware is one of the largest providers in Delaware of community services for adults with intellectual, autism, and co-occurring disabilities. As a member of Chimes Family of Services, our desire is to ensure that all people with intellectual and behavioral challenges can achieve their fullest potential. With services and supports provided throughout the State of Delaware, we tailor services to the unique and changing needs and preferences of each person. Our array of services emphasize choice and diversity of opportunities that span every stage of adult life, enabling our participants to fulfill their goals and dreams and maximize their independence. All our services, supports, and facilities are licensed by the State of Delaware. Most program participants are funded by the applicable state agency after eligibility is determined. We also accept private pay on a case-by-case basis.

Administrative Offices
Newark Employment Center
Newark, DE 19711
ph: 302.452.3400
toll free: 1.800.9CHIMES
fax: 302.452.3414
view map
Irv & Phyllis Levin Employment Center
28393 Dupont Blvd.Millsboro, DE 19966
ph: 302.934.1450
toll free: 1.800.9CHIMES
fax: 302.934.1640
view map
- Community Living Options
Chimes Delaware offers an array of supported living options and staffing alternatives to enable individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live in homes, apartments and communities of their choice throughout the State of Delaware.
Community living options range from agency operated single family homes and apartments for people who may require 24 hour support to in-home support for people who function at a semi-independent level and only require “drop-in” services. Several of our homes are fully accessible with specialized adaptive equipment.
The level and type of services and supports vary based on the specific needs and choices of the individual. Beyond ensuring health and safety, Chimes staff assist individuals to become as independent as possible by helping them to acquire new skills, while giving them opportunities to pursue their interests in the community.
- Day Habilitation & Employment Services
Chimes Delaware offers a variety of day support and employment options to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the State of Delaware. Our supports and services are both facility and community based with individuals having the opportunity to move within the programs as their needs and preferences change.
Our day habilitation programs (Newark Enrichment Center & New Beginnings Program) focus on leisure, social and non-work related activities as an alternative option to employment services. Program participants, with staff support, have the opportunity to engage in structured activities, both at the site and in the community. Activities are outcome oriented and designed to meet the person’s needs and desires while helping to reinforce and enhance mobility, communication, self-care, socialization and leisure skills.
Our employment programs (Newark Employment Center & The Irv & Phyllis Levin Employment Center in Millsboro, Delaware) are tailored to individuals who have a focus on paid work and employment. Program participants, with staff support, have access to work and career-based assessments, training, and job placement opportunities which are geared to the individual’s aptitudes and interests.
Individuals have the opportunity to engage in paid contract work within the facility, or supported employment in the community with on-going staff support. With either contract work or supported employment, individuals often gain the skills, experience, and confidence to successfully engage in competitive employment. Our Employment programs are accredited by CARF.
- Adjunctive Supports
Program participants in our residential, day habilitation and employment services also have access to adjunctive supports to address their physical, mental and behavioral health needs to help maximize their potential and opportunities for independence.
Each program participant is supported by a trained and dedicated staff of professionals. While the level and type of supports vary based on the person’s needs and preferences, individual program services are coordinated by an assigned case manager, who is the family/guardian’s single point of contact.
Additionally, a staff of registered nurses, a psychologist, behavioral specialists, and a mental health specialist are available to address clinical issues and coordinate necessary services with community healthcare practitioners.
- Hire Our Workforce: Production and Workforce Solutions
Chimes Delaware offers business solutions for a wide variety of industries with locations in New Castle and Sussex Counties. Our workforce is reliable, motivated and trained to do the job according to your specifications. Short-term or long-term, your place of business or ours, hiring our workforce allows you to focus on your core business, simplifying administrative requirements and saving you time and money.
Recognizing that each business has different personnel and production requirements, our employment specialists will work with your company to develop a flexible and responsive solution to your needs. As an extension to your workforce, we provide on-site training, supervision and project management at no additional cost to your company. We are committed to your business and will ensure quality services and products.
Residential Services
Admissions Coordinator: 302.452.3400
Day Habilitation Services
Admissions Coordinator: 302.452.3400
Employment Services
Admissions Coordinator: 302.452.3400
Ethics Point
Ethics Reporting Hotline
EthicsPoint is a secure 24/7 reporting system where active employees may report potential violations of the Chimes Code of Ethics and Conduct. It further serves as a management tool to support the Agency’s overall compliance program. Reports are taken seriously and investigated discretely, consistent with applicable laws and regulations.
Please click to be connected to the EthicsPoint Reporting System.