
Take Action Now for Back Pay

More than 300 Chimes team members working on federal contracts are still facing devastating financial hardships even though the shutdown was temporary. Many of those impacted work in lower wage jobs, and the lack of a paycheck means bills and rent go unpaid while they scramble for money to simply feed their families. Basic life necessities are becoming a challenge at this point since currently there is no legislation for backpay for government contract workers.

Senators from Maryland, Virginia, Ohio and Minnesota introduced a bill that would guarantee contractors that work as agency cafeteria workers, security guards, janitors and custodians, would be paid retroactively from the shutdown. Typically, when a shutdown ends these workers would not receive back pay. Chimes need to make certain that nonprofit contractors, like our Chimes DC subsidiary, that are majorly impacted by the government shutdown, are included in the scope of the proposed legislation. We urge you to voice your support NOW for a quick passage of this critically important bill.

According to a recent statement by Work Inc. spokesperson, Andrea Mitsch, seventy five percent of every contract they have with the federal government involves individuals with disabilities. She stated that 27 of those employees were at unable to work and struggling to make ends meet.

Once again, we urge you to contact the senators in your state and let them know you support back pay for federal contractors. We have provided a sample message for you to reference as well as contact information for senators in the major states Chimes serves. Write an email or letter; call or post on social media to show you support this important piece of legislation today!

Contact your local representatives.